Aros Park

Aros Park is one of the most attractive features in the Tobermory surrounds. The park entrance is about half a mile from the centre of town, however, it can also be reached by a very scenic footpath starting at the car park at Ledaig next to MacGochan’s pub.

The park is very well maintained by Forest Enterprise and has been developed as a recreational woodland. The company has gone to a lot of trouble to provide good parking, disabled access, clear, unobstructed paths, barbeque facilities and toilets. All these are free of charge.

The park is on the site of Aros House, and the Allan family developed the grounds during the period of 1874 to 1959. The house was unfortunately demolished; however, the heritage of this magnificent woodland remains. There still remain some buildings associated with the house, for example, the generator shed by the stream which gave power to the house.

The Loch in the middle of the park is artificial and was created as a feature, but also as a power source for the mill.

The most used path is a circular tour of the Loch starting from the car park. The route is a one mile and is an ideal dog walking or jogging track. The park has many fine walks, most of which are reasonably easy going. However, it is possible just to head through the woodland to the old drovers track down to the crossing point to Calve Island. At low spring tides it is possible to reach the island across the exposed sandy high point. Caution should be exercised here as the sand only stays open for a short time.

The woodland area consists of many varieties of shrub, fungi and trees. In places the park has temperate rain forest feel to it and many interesting ferns and grasses grow freely. However, the most spectacular display is created by the large number of Rhododendron Ponticum. In recent years, these shrubs have engulfed parts of the park; however, they have now been cut back and are in better balance with the rest of the trees.

The rest of the park is best described in imagery, so click on these images to get a feel for the park.

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