Mull Eagle Watch

Mull Eagle Watch ~ Is No Longer In Operation

Join us on a ranger-led visit to discover Mull’s majestic white-tailed eagles

Mull Eagle Watch offers ranger-led visits to view Britain’s largest and most impressive bird of prey, the white-tailed eagle. There’s also a really good chance of seeing other wildlife including golden eagles, red deer, buzzards, hen harriers and even divers.

Visiting Mull Eagle Watch

How do I book?

Booking is necessary.

Ranger led trips will run Mon-Fri with two trips per day lasting for around 2 and a half hours, although visitors are free to leave early.
Times: 10am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4pm
Trips can be organised for weekends or evenings on request for groups.

Where do we meet?

Location changes regularly, so please double check you know where to go when booking.

How much does it cost?

Adults, including RSPB members, £8. Under 16s, £4. Family of 4 ticket, £20.

What can I hope to see?

April: Adults sitting on eggs
May – July: Chicks in the nest
August onwards: Chicks fledged but in the area

Please bring…

We recommend you bring waterproofs, just in case! Midge repellent can be handy too. Bring binoculars if you have them – we have good quality telescopes for you to use.

Anything else I need to know?

The visit will include short walks on gravel tracks and time spent standing in our viewing area.
Please let us know any specific requirements you may have, and closer access can be arranged. We don’t currently have toilet facilities on site.
Well behaved dogs are welcome and we’d much rather them come to say hello than stay in your car.

We work closely with the RSPB to care for and protect the Mull Sea Eagles.